Untitled Reflection – Concentric
Anahita hails from a family of legends in the performing arts genre; yet, she has carved a distinct name for herself as a performer and an artist. Since the budding age of 6, she has been on and off the stage, performing multidisciplinary arts. She is a trained Bharatnatyam Dancer, and has also dabbled successfully in writing, choreographing and directing amongst her many pursuits.
For Abhivyakti Edition 2, Anahita’s dynamic 2-part piece is called untitled reflections & concentric. An amalgam of dance, music and theater, this piece will begin with its first act off stage, at a random location amid the audience to connect them with the performance; sort of like a ‘reflection on what is to come. This improv driven, power packed routine will then begin its second part-concentric focusing more on context than character – matter over mind’ as she concisely describes it, to stress that it is the content that makes the character, and not the other way around. Her riveting concept has several unknown, like the beginning, the end and the location. Only middle is defined, and that’s what makes Anahita’s piece a must-see for viewers.